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Contract Management

Template Creation


The contract management process is a risky one, and handling it poorly leaves organizations open to compliance infractions. 

Automating the creation, review and approval of contracts with Laserfiche drives consistency throughout the process. Consistency, in turn, enables transparency and accountability, both of which are essential in these days of ever-increasing regulation.


การจัดการหนังสือสัญญามีขั้นตอนที่มีความเสี่ยง เมื่อจัดการไม่ดีพออาจทำเปิดให้องค์กรละเมิดต่อข้อสัญญาได้   การสร้าง การตรวจทานและอนุมัติหนังสือสัญญาโดยอัตโนมัติด้วย


Laserfiche สร้างความถูกต้องตรงกันตลอดทั้งขั้นตอนการทำสัญญา โดยข้อมูลที่สอดคล้องกันนั้นก่อให้เกิดความโปร่งใสและแสดงถึงความรับผิดชอบซึ่งทั้งสองข้อนี้มีความจำเป็นมากในแง่ของกฎข้อบังคับของสัญญาที่เพิ่มมากขึ้นในปัจจุบัน

The Laserfiche Advantage

  • Comprehensive capture. Capture, process and file information from a wide variety of media (paper, e-forms, electronic documents, etc.) and applications.

  • Intelligent search. Instantly locate contracts and other stored content using multiple search options.

  • Version control. Track who made changes, what those changes were, when they were made and where all versions are located.

  • Routing and notification. Automatically send contracts to authorized people and alert them to new tasks with automatic e-mails.

  • Transparent records management (TRM). TRM enables organizations to configure multiple views of the repository so that general users can see through the cumbersome records management layout to a folder structure organized more logically for their needs.
























Laserfiche Contract Management
Template Creation:
Master template and clause library are created and stored in Laserfiche.
Contract Compliation
Legal department modifies the template based on the specifics of the deal.
Review & Approval
Laserfiche Workflow automatically routes the contract to the apropriate people for review and approval.  Changes are tracked using Laserfiche version control.
Business Record
Contract life cycle is managed using the Laserfiche Records Management Edition, which automates retention and disposition according to the rules governing your organization’s business practices.
Contract renewal
When contracts are up for renewal, Legal reviews existing contract and modifies it based on current needs.


Additional Resources



·Laserfiche Records Management Edition

Streamline enterprise records management


Case Studies

·Virginia Port Authority

The Virginia Port Authority leverages Laserfiche as the records management back-end for Microsoft SharePoint

Please install Adobe Flash Player to view video or download.


What our customers are saying:

“What used to take us months is now down to days.”


— Lance Dutcher
Systems Engineer 
Corporate Commission of the Mille Lacs Band of
Ojibwe Indians

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