Financial Services
"ธุรกิจการเงิน เป็นภาคส่วนที่ช่วยให้วงจรของธุรกิจดำเนินไปได้อย่างราบรื่น ดังนั้นการให้บริการที่ดีต่อลูกค้าจึงเป็นปัจจัยหลักในองค์กร การแข่งขันระหว่างสถาบันการเงินต่างๆ
การออกกฏระเบียบของธนาคารชาติที่เปลี่ยนแปลงตลอดเวลา รวมถึงเอกสารที่สำคัญของลูกค้าจำนวนมหาศาล
ต้องอาศัยระบบงาน ECM ที่มีประสิทธิภาพ และมีความเป็นมาตรฐาน โดยระบบสามารถปรับเปลี่ยนได้ตามความก้าวหน้าทางเทคโนโลยี่
สามารถดูแลจัดการด้วยตัวลูกค้าเองได้ โดยไม่ต้องอาศัยฝ่ายไอที
When it comes to navigating the waters of today’s financial services market, manual business processes might leave you hung out to dry. That’s why it’s crucial to have a powerful document management infrastructure that helps you navigate changing regulatory requirements—and leaves you in a better competitive position overall.

With over 4,000 installations in RIA firms, broker-dealers and community banks worldwide, Laserfiche is the preferred choice for the financial services industry. Laserfiche combines flexibility over filing, repository design and workflow for individual departments and
offices with secured access to a central repository. Laserfiche makes information easy to find and use, while automating resource-intensive business processes and integrating with business-critical applications including CRM systems, accounting applications, core banking applications and more.
The result is a convenient, comprehensive and compliant document management solution that helps financial services organizations succeed against a backdrop of increased regulatory oversight, shrinking margins and market volatility.
Create a flexible, standardized system for managing client information, company records, correspondence—even e-mail—in a way that's convenient, comprehensive and compliant.
· Automate Resource-Intensive Business Processes
· Integrate with CRM Systems to Find and Use Information More Quickly
· Improve Client Service
“We have made Laserfiche an indispensable component of our day-to-day operations.”
— Geneos Wealth Management
Independent Broker-Dealers>>Link
Support business process management improvements, saving time and money while reducing security risks.
Automatically Onboard New Accounts
Automate Transaction Processing, Suitability Approval and Exception Processing
Integrate with CRM, Forms Filling Software, and e-Signature Applications to Streamline Workflows
Automate E-mail Surveillance and Archival
Provide a document management infrastructure that meets the needs of multiple departments while controlling information and allowing staff to focus on customer-facing pursuits.
Accelerate Audits While Reducing Compliance Costs
Streamline Lending Through the Use of Automated Workflows
Improve Branch Management by Enabling Local Flexibility While Maintaining Central Control
Extend service to an expanding membership base with a document management infrastructure that automates resource-intensive business processes.
Streamline the Lending Process Through the Use of Automated Workflows
Accelerate Audits while Reducing Compliance Costs
· Improve Member Service
Laserfiche at Work for Financial Services
By serving as theuniversal repositoryfor all organizational content, Laserfiche provides a single point of control for centralized administration, making content as secure as it is accessible for everyday business and headache-free audits.
By acting as integrative middleware that links to CRM systems, accounting applications, legacy systems and more, Laserfiche allows users to access information in the manner and environment in which they are most comfortable.
By serving as an enabler of shared services, Laserfiche eliminates departmental data silos and automates cross-functional activities to simplify, streamline and accelerate business processes, such as maintaining compliance logs, opening new accounts and speeding up audits.
By effectively balancing the need for both central control and local flexibility, Laserfiche enables your organization to set best practice standards and security policies while at the same time giving departments and business units the ability to store information and configure business processes according to their everyday needs.
Additional Resources
·Technology Secrets of Top Performers
For top-performing RIA firms, technology is a long-term investment that generates growth and higher profitability.
·Enterprise Content Management for Community Banks
Get on the fast track to productivity and profitability
·How Laserfiche Works for Credit Unions
ECM=Document Management + Business Process Automation
·Enterprise Content Management for IBDs
The competitive advantage of a clean line of sight
·Laserfiche for Financial Advisors
Increase business value, streamline your workflow and simplify regulatory compliance
White Papers
·How Digital Document Management Solutions Support Compliance
With the right technology, you gain efficiency, improve profitability and increase productivity, all while reducing the cost of compliance.
·Trend Report - The Rise of Composite Applications Among RIAs and Broker-Dealers
Agility and the Rise of Composite Applications Among RIAs and Broker-Dealers
The bottom-line impact of enterprise content management for registered investment advisors
·Changing the Game with Content Management
How Credit Unions are Leveraging Technology to Improve Business Processes and Generate Efficiency Enterprise-Wide
·RIA Case Study: Rehmann Financial
“We’ve grown by merging with small firms, and one of the things that sells us is that we have these great business processes in place,” says Operations Manager Amy Flourry. “We’ve seen other firms and we’re a step ahead of the game.”
·RIA Case Study: Asset Dedication
"As a part of our technology platform, Laserfiche will allow us to grow in a way that is modular and scalable."
·Cashing in on Content Management
How community banks are leveraging technology to improve business processes and generate bottom-line results
·Straight Through to the Green
How ECM solutions help independent broker-dealers thrive in a competitive environment
·RIA Case Study: Halbert Hargrove Investment Counsel
"In terms of scaling on existing infrastructure, back office efficiencies and lack of storage, we're saving tens of thousands of dollars per month."